A big
grid of things I’ve made.
This is my project archive. All the projects that end up on this list are projects that I consider important to me in one way or another, projects that have taught me something. Some of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and if you have a suggestion on how it can be improved, open a github issue or better yet, a pull request if you feel like it. Projects without links are proprietary or/and abandoned.
Enhance your Django developer experience: CLI and Guides for the Modern Developer.
Get your project up and running in minutes on your vps.
A Cookiecutter template for fastapi projects, inspired by cookiecutter-django. My first experience trying to build a cookiecutter, one of the most boring things I've worked on.
Django integration with litestream, a standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite.
Automatic browser reload plugin for Litestar, designed for development use.
Provides a CLI plugin for Litestar to use Tailwind CSS via the Tailwind CLI.
A registry of htmx extensions, both official and third-party.
Render ODT files using Jinja2 or the Django templates Language, with support for converting documents to PDF via the LibreOffice CLI.
A handy cart manager for django projects. This package can be used for more than just e-commerce, it works for anything that involves a shopping cart mechanism, not just shopping carts.
Leerming is an open-source Django-based web app that follows the Leitner box method. Create flashcards effortlessly from PDFs, videos, and web links. Supercharge your learning experience.
Originally designed for Django, now a simple, standalone Server-Sent Events relay service, ideal for Django projects seeking straightforward real-time capabilities without the need for Daphne and async Django setup.
Personal Website v2
My personal website, the site you are currently on. It's a static site build using coltrane, a django based static site generator.
Personal Website v2
My personal website, the site you are currently on. It's a static site build using coltrane, a django based static site generator.
This is my first python package and it gave me a taste of how the python package ecosystem works. It is a simple python wrapper around a payment API of a local business.
A cli tool to bootstrap your django projects and enhance your development experience.
Personal website
The previous version of the site you are currently on. It's a portfolio to showcase my work and also a blog where I can keep a recipe/tutorial on the things I'm learning, it's my way of learning in public.
A SAAS platform for managing emailing and sms campaigns. It provides an integrated editor (TinyMCE) and a dashboard for campaign tracking. The emails were managed with amazon SES. The project involved a lot of data processing / cleaning of CSV and Excel files since users could import their contact list.
Facture Express
Online service for the payment of household bills, rent, water, electricity, etc. The service has been suspended in favor of the official service built by our government.
A multi tenant customer relationship management (CRM) and accounting system for small to medium-sized businesses. Tenants are managed via postgres schemas.
An e-commerce platform for the sale of health care products, soaps, candles and ointments. This project is still a work in progress.
My first attempt at building a personal website and also my first experience with the django rest framework (DRF) and docker (via Caprover) . Frustrated by the design, I threw the project away less than a month after putting it online.
A simple API that allows you to save and query your projects. An experiment to try out deta.sh.
The official python sdk for the smsdop API. Easily send single or batch sms via python objects.
A CLI program to automate postgresql database backups. For the moment, this project is suspended since I mainly use django-dbbackup from the jazzband team.
A json based API to send sms campaigns. My first production fastapi application. The project was merged with Bepaid as a secondary service.
Tortoise orm database adapter for fastapi-users v10 and above. Tortoise ORM is the best ORM I've found outside the django world and fastapi-users the best authentication system for fastapi.